About us

Based in South Florida, StickX is a golf club trade-in service that we built to address the shortcomings of online-only alternatives for private clubs and golf retailers.

As we see it, the primary drawbacks to online-only trade-in services are:

  • Packing and shipping are required (often paid for by shipper).
  • Payment is slow (usually several weeks).
  • Grading is inconsistent, sometimes making payments less than expected.

For organizational customers, these issues are inconvenient and frequently create undue administrative burden.

StickX improves the customer experience by:

  • Picking up all trades in person (no shipping required).
  • Automatically accepting condition grades as described.
  • Initiating payment the same day clubs are submitted for trade online (even before being physically collected by StickX).

Furthermore, upon request, StickX will send representatives to conduct trade-ins in person when you need it most (e.g.: demo days, sales events) at no charge.

Being a local company with regional operations allows us to foster high-trust, face-to-face relationships with clubs and pro shops, which enables us to serve our customers in a way online-only alternatives simply can’t.

We regularly adapt our service to accommodate the specific needs of our customers. If any aspect of what we have described would not work for you or your organization, please feel free to contact us to discuss how we might create a customized solution.

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